Stem Cells and their impact to our lives

There’s been a great deal of controversy around the area of stem cells. The practice of harvesting them from aborted fetuses caused an angry public outcry, and it badly tainted the industry’s reputation – including, unfortunately, stem cell treatments that did NOT involve aborted babies.
This is very regrettable, because I’ve personally seen the difference that ethically-harvested stem cells can make in a person’s health and vitality.
By using the stem cells from the placenta or umbilical cord – which can be done without harming the mother or child, or requiring aborted fetuses for material – doctors can now heal injuries that haven’t responded to any other treatment.
I’ve personally experienced the difference that this life-changing research can make.
About fifteen months ago, I fell and seriously injured my knee. For twelve months, the doctors tried to heal the damage by using Newtonian treatments – which is my term for treatments that treat the body like a machine.
These treatments included gels, pain pills, physical therapy, two MRIs, ultrasound diagnoses and treatment, and chiropractic care.
I also tried intention setting, good nutrition with organic supplements, and a few add-ons from my personal woo-woo factory of mediation.
You probably know where I’m going with this: none of it worked.
I decided it was time to try something different.
While speaking to the fourth doctor I consulted, I decided it was time to ask about stem cells. To my great surprise, she calmly and matter-of-factly replied, “We can do that.”
Incredulously, I asked her why no one else had ever offered them. She responded by explaining that, as a part of the “surgical” teams’ purview, she had access to it, whereas the others didn’t .
To my disappointment, my insurance company – which had had no problem paying for two series of MRI’s and X-rays, along with months of physical therapy that didn’t help – questioned the validity of “experimental” treatments like these, and resisted paying for the treatment.
After a stiff battle, I finally received authorization for the injections to my left knee.
The results blew me away.
Today, as I add this post to my editorial calendar, I’ve just completed five straight days of intensive cardio exercise, and I’ve averaged 10,000 steps a day – the same daily routine I maintained before I hurt my knee in October 2015.
I’ve since heard other success stories from people who got treatments involving stem cells.
Stroke victims have seen their motor functions improve, paralyzed people have gotten more movement and sensation in the affected limbs, and victims of Parkinson’s disease have gone from stumbling, shaking, falling, and feeling suicidal, to walking and talking like any other healthy 59-year-old.
How does it work?
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can transform into specialized cells for the heart, neurons, liver, lungs, skin and so on, and can also divide to produce more stem cells.
These cells are used to repair damaged areas, and restore them to normal functionality.
When we’ve very young, we have a large supply of stem cells. But as we age, that supply diminishes, and our stem cells undergo genetic mutations that reduce their quality and effectiveness. As a result, it becomes harder and harder for our body to repair itself when it’s damaged.
But by receiving young, healthy stem cells, either from donors or from stored doses created from our own placenta and cord blood, we refresh our supply of cellular repairmen, so our body has more to work with in its efforts to heal itself.
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