Website Development and Support

Website Development

Website Design - Website Development?

Simply "pretty websites" are often sites that are unseen. At onCOREventures  following our "Claritystrategy, implementation approach" to website development and support we:

  • Start with your ideal client so we are writing in your voice and uses the terms and language your ideal client understands
  • Define keywords and  your offerings and publish them to online directories to provide immediate backlinks to your website so it gets seen on search and map apps
  • Develop a content calendar to support the customer journey inclusion the and long tail phrases that your ideal clients are looking for
  • When creating the website design we build the SEO items of metadata, keywords, meta description before we build each page
  • Conclude your website development and support project from this top-down approach when we create your site
  • Follow Local SEO best practices for landing pages and schema to support industry best practices for local businesses

How are you seen on computers, smartphones, and tablets?

Great websites still have start with a great website design that includes graphic design elements. onCOREventures website development and support provides the following for your website:

  • A dedicated hosting environment and separate database server so that other sites do not slow you down to ensure that your response time on all platforms
  • Responsive website design so that your site is displayed properly on all sites and includes graphic design components needed for each platform
  • WP-Rocket, image compression and efficient production quality WordPress themes so that your response time is excellent and loads quickly on mobile devices
Website Development
Website Development

Is your website secure and in production?

There are millions of attacks and on websites, every hour of every day - these can cause major problems.  onCOREventures website management customers get:

  • Security firewall
  • Spam filter on blog posts
  • Uptime monitoring and speed tests every hour of every day
  • Daily malware scans
  • Offsite backup of your site on a daily basis


  • Out Moz site scans for SEO purposes for our SEO customers provides another weekly speed test of your site from a second source

Are you ready to get started?

Face it - we are all busy

The best way to determine if our onCOREventures website development and support is a good fit for you and you are a good fit for us is for you to complete a signature brand audit.  It is a questionnaire that will give us some information about your business and allow us to spend some time looking at your online presence and craft a presentation to you that will give you an outside set of eyes looking at your current online presence. Simply click on the image below to go the online form that you need to fill out to get started now. We look forward to getting to know you and your business and seeing if we can work together in a win-win relationship.