Ideal Client Persona Interview Worksheet

Ideal client persona - once you have your ideal client defined it is time to move to the interview phase with a number of potential clients that are representative of your perfect client for your business.


What information does your client consume and how do they consume it - more importantly what forms of content do they like - do they like to reach - look at images or watch videos - maybe listen to a podcast or audio file.

How do they use the Internet - mobile, tablet, desktop, laptop?  What content forms are in use in each form factor?

What social networks are they in especially emerging social networks?  To this form created in 2014, I would now add - who do they trust for content?  What forms of user-generated content do they like to review - you should read this blog before proceeding. on 12 Social Media Trends in 2018


The motivation questions on the form below are self-explanatory for the most part.

Persona Interview Sheet S-19

Persona Interview Sheet S-19

What information does your client consume and how do they consume it - more importantly what forms of content do they like - do they like to reach - look at images or watch videos - maybe listen to a podcast or audio file.

How do they use the Internet - mobile, tablet, desktop, laptop?  What content forms are in use in each form factor?

Use the questions below to pull 2-3 questions per category and use them in addition to the client survey interview questions to help you develop customer personas for your client.

Use of this form is limited to clients of onCOREventures. The form is Copyright 2014 by Duct Tape Marketing.



What type of information do they consume online? Podcasts, ebooks, newsletters, blogs? - What sources do they trust most? What social networks do they belong to? Do they use Internet to buy or research products?


Indicate all of the reasons they are ready to buy
3. Is this the first time purchasing a product or service of your kind?
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