Small Business Owners, You Need to Take Care of Yourself

Small business owner working on laptop - We’re sure you were stressed prior to the Covid-19 outbreak and know it has only increased - you to take care of yourself as a small business owner.

If you’re a small business owner, the world seems like a pretty scary place right now. There is so much uncertainty in the air. People who have never experienced anxiety are starting to struggle with it. And those of us familiar with the emotion are feeling it tenfold. It feels like there is always something…

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Google and Local Business

Laptop opened to Google browser window. In May of 2019, it appears that a change was made in Google’s Algorithm for search. What is the impact of Google and Local Business?

In May of 2019, it appears that a change was made in Google’s Algorithm for search. This change seems to have begun using local search techniques to reward small businesses using Google My Business naturally and effectively. At onCOREventures, we have seen this firsthand with some of our clients. At the annual Duct Tape Marketing…

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Our Venture in Gratitude for Wellness

Slice of pumpkin pie on a white plate on a wooden table. Gratitude for Wellness. As we approach another Thanksgiving, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past year and all the changes that came with it.

Gratitude for Wellness. As we approach another Thanksgiving, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past year and all the changes that came with it. As a marketing strategy firm, it can be hard to not get caught up in the industry and what the larger, “more successful” firms are doing. What’s…

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Approach to Content

From core pages to videos, each component can enhance the story you tell meaning it’s crucial that your approach to content should be clear and sincere.

It’s been said before and it will be said again, “content is king”. And its king for a good reason. Your content has the capability to tell the full story of your business. What do you stand for? Why should a person choose you? What makes you different from the competition? Do you really want…

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A New Hope

The Business Roundtable is bringing about a new hope, as 181 of the world’s CEOs are pledging to focus on an economy that serves all Americans.

In Milton Friedman’s book, Capitalism and Freedom, he theorizes that “in a free society, there is one and only one social responsibility of business–to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and…

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The Cost of Lead Generation

How much should you be spending to justify the cost of lead generation? How can you make sure you’re spending an appropriate amount as a small business?

Digital ad spending surpassed that of its TV counterpart in 2018. In fact, the total amount spent on digital ads was over 77 billion dollars. Yes. Billion. With that said, how can you make sure you’re spending an appropriate amount on your marketing as a small business? You don’t have the budget large corporations do.…

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What is an On-Core Venture?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by tlife? Have you lost your purpose? Are you having trouble finding your life's meaning? What is your on-core venture?

I saw a thought-provoking headline this morning. It exclaimed that suicide is at a fifty-year peak in the US and that is it bringing down US life expectancy. Interestingly, yesterday I listed to a StoryBrand podcast of a similar nature. It talked about finding meaning in life and the speakers summarized Victor Frankle’s learnings from…

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How Gratitude Guides Your Business

Gratitude is a word often associated with at Thanksgiving - but when we think about gratitude, we simply apply it to our personal live - but business?

Gratitude is a word often associated with this Thanksgiving week. But oftentimes when we think about gratitude, we simply apply it to our home and personal lives. It’s not often gratitude shifts into our business brains. It’s hard to practice when thinking of finances and other business operations. And it’s not something we readily talk…

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The Consciousness Coach: The Act of Listening

Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability of active listening, messages are easily misunderstood.

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Stephen R. Covey. If you have the capability of hearing, you use your ears almost every moment of every day. We hear background noise such as cars, dogs barking, and the breeze. Headphones make it easier than ever…

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