Online Directory Publication and Synchronization

Why do you need to use online Directories?
What are the results of effective local foundation management through the use of online directory and synchronization technology?
- You control how consumers view your information online
- You build your business brand by publishing your information to online directories
- You drive more traffic online and off-line when 14 key attributes are published to major directories like Yahoo, Bing, Google my Business and Yelp
- You establish creditability with backlinks to your website - key to showing up in online search
Our Solution for online directory publication
We provide a centralized portal for on-line directory publication and synchronization
- Integrated solution with on-line sites and directories – puts you in complete control
- Duplicate suppression – solves information from disappearing or being duplicated
- Security of information is locked down – we take control of your listings so that others (your competitors) can not hijack your listings
- Real-Time – updates – we enter your information once and publish it to over seventy locations
- Synchronization with Google my Business and Facebook

What is the process for DIY online directory publication management?
You can do your own submissions if you want
- Select any online directory
- Enter the information one at a time
- Review the information entered
- Update in multiple locations whenever it changes
Or –
- You can use our centralized publish once on-lin directory publication product
Confused - wondering what this all means?
Simply fill out your basic business information and receive an immediate report with your listings and links to each one so you can see for yourself how you show-up online. We promise not to bother you with phone calls and spam but are available for a free online review session with you over Zoom to answer your questions if you choose to talk to us about our onCOREventures Directory Publication and Synchronization solution. Simply click on the image below to get started.